Lil Wayne Speechless After Eminem's Gas Face Incident, "I Didn't Understand It" [Video]

mmy-winning rapper Lil Wayne has shared his thoughts on the unexpected incident between Eminem and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards last night (May 31).
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Finding himself with a loss for words, Weezy explained his comprehension of the alleged stunt.
"Typical, like you know, I was expecting the unexpected," Weezy said in an interview following the ceremony. "Basically, and...I didn't understand it, but it was cool." (MTV)
Shady found himself becoming the center of attention when a half-dressed Cohen randomly landed on his lap during the show.
Eminem apparently has flown the coop from the MTV Movie Awards after a close encounter with Sacha Baron Cohen when, in character as flamboyant fashion reporter "Bruno," Baron Cohen flew in above Sunday's award show audience on a wire and in a pair of feathery white wings and his rear end mostly exposed. But the comedian crashed into an overhead obstacle, and he was lowered into the audience, right into Eminem's lap, his bare hindquarters in the rapper's face. Eminem seemed visibly upset at the mishap. Or was it a joke he was in on? The rapper stormed out with his entourage in tow with cameras rolling. (Associated Press)
Various publications have begun analyzing whether the incident was staged or real.
For starters, Bruno's airborne entrance was purposely detoured by speakers that were lowered into his path during the previous commercial break. That bit of equipment manipulation, coupled with the director's cut to Eminem several seconds before Bruno's "fall," is what our spy calls "the smoking gun." (Seattle PI)
Cohen was at the event portraying his "Bruno" character.
The British actor was aiming to promote his upcoming new movie 'Bruno', in which he plays a camp Austrian fashionista, when he soared on wires across the air above the MTV audience. But the stunt seemed to go wrong and Bruno, in his angelic wings and silver jock strap fell from the ceiling, twisting and turning until his butt landed smack in Eminem?s face. (Reuters)
Eminem has not commented on the incident as of today (June 1).
Check out Weezy's reaction below: