Five killed in Kenyan rally crush

The stampede began after the explosion at the rally
At least five people have died and dozens been injured in a stampede at a rally in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.
The stampede followed two explosions, the cause of which is unknown.
The rally was organised by Christian groups opposed to a draft constitution because it retains recognition of existing Islamic courts and includes a clause on abortion.
Kenyans are due to vote on the new constitution in a referendum in August.
Victim of Nairobi blast, 13 JuneThe Kenyan police say the explosions were small and left no debris. Police are investigating the possibility that a home-made device was detonated.
As part of a power-sharing deal to end deadly riots following elections in December 2007, it was agreed that a new constitution would be written.
The document provides for greater checks on presidential powers and more regional devolution.
At least 20 people were injured in the Nairobi blast However, Christian church leaders are campaigning for a "No" vote after an amendment to abolish abortion on medical grounds failed.
They also oppose the continued recognition of Islamic family courts.
The Islamic Kadhi courts - set up under British colonial rule - mainly deal with matters of marriage and inheritance for Kenya's Muslim minority.
Supporters of the new constitution deny that it opens the door to legalised abortions.