Wesley Snipes Loses Appeal Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison

NEWS: Wesley Snipes Loses Appeal Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison

Well he tried…
BBC News is reporting that the Blade Trilogy actor is facing three years in prison after losing an appeal against his conviction for tax offenses.
Lawyers for snipes fought for two years arguing that three years in prison was too harsh for him but the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in
Atlanta found that a three-year term in federal prison was just right.
He has been on bail ever since.
He earned more than 37 million dollars between 1999 and 2004 but did not file individual federal income tax returns for any of those years.
According to CNN Denzel Washington, Woody Harrelson, and TV judges Joe Brown and Greg Mathis wrote letters on his behalf but it didn’t help which means he'll have to serve his time.
Let’s hope he will get out on good behavior.