14 Ways To Be Better At Your Job In 2013

With a new year approaching, many people have an “out with the old and in with the new” mentality—and work is usually a big part of that, says corporate veteran and author Andy Teach.
“No one has a perfect work life and there is always room for improvement,” says Teach, author of From Graduation to Corporation: The Practical Guide to Climbing the Corporate Ladder One Rung at a Time. “Most people aspire to be better at their jobs because it results in increased happiness and personal satisfaction.”
Why do people typically feel this way toward the end of the year?
Shawnice Meador, Director of Career Management MBA@UNC, says most employees have had their year-end performance review at this point, and they now have a “clearer view of their strengths, weaknesses and goals laid out for them by their employers.”
Others will take time off from work before the New Year begins, and they’ll have time to decompress and reflect on the past 12 months, she adds. “Since people spend a lot of time at work throughout the year, work tends to be a big part of the ‘new year, new me’ attitude.”
Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant, says, “When you read ‘Jan. 1’ on your calendar, it’s numerically and psychologically a fresh start. We spend most of our waking hours at work, so it’s natural that you’ll reflect on your work life and career from a broader perspective around New Year’s, and strive to be a better employee in the coming year.”
In Pictures: How To Be Better At Your Job In 2013
If you’re feeling that way—here’s are 14 things you can do to be better at your job in 2013:
Anticipate your department’s needs. “Being a reliable source for your department leader and seeing opportunities for your department to improve are great ways to be better at your job,” Meador says. “Take on tasks that your department leader may not need to oversee directly and present a finished product to him or her.” Seeing this initiative from you often helps them understand that you can handle tasks proactively and things will not be falling solely on their shoulders.
Get to know your boss better. Your boss controls your destiny so it’s in your best interest to get to know them better both personally and professionally, Teach says. “It doesn’t mean you need to be friends with them or hang out with them, but you do need to learn what makes them tick. The more you communicate with your boss, the better it is for you.” While you’re at it, get to know your boss’s boss as well, he suggests.
Assume success. “Your positive attitude can be seen in your facial expression, posture, tone and speed of your voice,” Taylor says. “Be confident in your work. You’re uniquely qualified to do exactly what you do.” Imagine that everything you contribute helps the bottom line, she says. “Even when things are dicey, you can challenge yourself in 2013 to use setbacks as opportunities.”
Study your industry. Your industry is constantly changing and you need to keep up with what’s happening now, Teach says. “Most industries have trade magazines or websites that have the latest news in that industry. It’s important to read these so that you are well informed and can discuss recent industry events and changes with your co-workers, supervisors, and management. Information is power.”
Always come to the table with a solution. Offering a solution or idea is only half of the equation and many managers feel that an idea without an action plan will only create more work for them, Meador says. “Share ideas with context and a clear path for implementation for the leader to evaluate.” The more you present any issues with recommended solutions and then implement those solutions in a timely and effective manner, the more the leadership team will rely on you and think about you for future projects and new responsibilities, she says.
In Pictures: How To Be Better At Your Job In 2013