How to Build Abs - How to Lose Belly Fat and Get Flat Stomach with 3 Important Steps

It may still be too early to start working on your midsection but the reality of things is that working such muscle group can be quite difficult to do. So if you want to get that abs in time for next year’s summer, you better start with your regimen by fall. Now the core can be quite tricky to get into shape. You can exercise your arms and your legs, and see results in practically no time at all but that isn’t always the case with your core. In this article, I will enumerate how to build abs with the right diet, exercise and mindset.

Proper Diet

For you to get ripped abs, you have to lose overall body fat. Wouldn’t it be weird to see an overweight man with ripped abs? To help you lose weight, you need to adjust your diet. It’s time to say sayonara to high calorie density foods like pizza, pasta and other fast foods. Space your meals out that you do not feel like you’re depriving yourself and to help you keep your energy up throughout the day. Example, instead of eating 3 big meals a day, try to divide them into five smaller portions. Remember, you don’t have to starve yourself; eating reasonable portions of high fiber and protein rich foods are proven ways to help you build abs.


To help you lose weight, it would be best if you engage in a total body workout 2-3 times for every week. You can try yoga, pilates or kickboxing. This will keep your metabolism up to help you burn fat faster. A gym trainer once told me that I’m never done with my exercises unless I finish my crunches. There’s nothing like doing classic sit ups but if your health restricts you from doing anything that could strain your, you can always do your crunches on an exercise ball. Better yet, you can do other abs exercises that don’t require you to use your neck at all.

Mindset and Action

Remember that it’s completely impossible for you to have ripped abs overnight no matter how many sit ups you do. But stay on your course. All it takes is time and patience. Morever, you need to start acting now if you want to achieve that six-pack abs, no procrastination and no laziness. Having excuses like "I have no time" or "It's just too hard" will not lead you to attaining your goal. It just means that you are not that determined and you only have that flat abdominals in your dreams and wishes.

There are also simple ways for how to build abs like observing good posture. Your abdominal muscles are in charge of your posture. Your slouching may be sabotaging your success the entire time.

There is no fast and easy way to building that six pack abs. You have to follow program that actually works as ineffective training routines and poor dietary habits will just waste your time and valuable effort . Avoid bogus diet pills, expensive ab equipment and gadgets as they don't actually work. Instead, consult a certified trainer or purchase programs online that are proven to be effective. Read reviews and see what customers are saying about the product, it does not hurt to do your research. As they say, no pain, no gain. However, if the efforts and right attitude are there, you can reap rewards in the end.