Sarah Palin's Book: Will East Texans Read It?

TYLER - Sarah Palin is back in the spotlight, about to sell a book that insiders say will earn millions of dollars, and could help rewrite and rehabilitate a political career that has taken some hits in the last year.
Local book stores we spoke to say East Texans have been buzzing about the book.
Barely four months after sarah Palin's emotional farewell she is on the comeback trail: Starting with an Oprah taping for next week's show.
John McCain's running mate is now running for revenge against what she sees as her tormentors, in the campaign and in the media.
On Tuesday her much anticipated book will hit bookshelves everywhere.
Written with a collaborator, and already number one on Amazon, even before its release.
Palin titles her book "going rogue" adopting the McCain campaign's rap on her.
For instance, they called her a "diva" for wanting to deliver her own concession speech.
Now it's payback time-and payoff time for Palin: she writes that she wondered at the time who was paying for those fancy clothes but family members were told it's part of the convention.
Now she's expected to earn millions from the book where she turns the tables and calls out people by name.