Facebook loses sizzle for Martha Stewart

The stars are dancing away from Facebook. And it's a quickstep.

After Bill Gates recently admitted that he had given up on Facebook because he couldn't work out which of his friend requests came from friends and which from very sad people, another of the world's great famous people has declared her Facebook unfriendliness.

Yes, Martha Stewart, perhaps one of the most iconic cooks, has decided that she is firmly in the Twitter camp and that Facebook just has to face her rejection.

"I just love it (Twitter) so much more than Facebook," she told the Daily Beast.

Stewart claims she gets more bang per tweet. But why knock Facebook? It's so homely, so friendly and so very inclusive of every possible political and social view, even frightfully repulsive ones.Stewart explained quite fully: "First of all, you don't have to spend any time on it, and, second of all, you reach a lot more people. And I don't have to 'befriend' and do all that other dippy stuff that they do on Facebook."

The other dippy stuff? Perhaps she means the throwing of sausages at each other or whatever it is Facebook people love to do. Or perhaps what irks her is people posting hundreds of pictures of their friend's wedding in Tennessee. The one where the catering was terrible.

Her words, however, seem to have pained the Facebook fraternity.

The Daily Beast quoted Facebook's communications director, Brandee Barker as hoping that the culinary queen "finds more ways to use Facebook." Suddenly, the Beast's Lloyd Grove had a second phone conversation with Stewart, in which she said:

"I'm not knocking Facebook. We use both Facebook and Twitter [at MSO]. They're very different tools, and I personally don't use Facebook. I prefer Twitter as a means of mass communication--it's the Wal-Mart of the Internet."

The Wal-Mart of the Internet? Is that similar to "the Pulse of the Planet," which is, according to hacked internal documents, one of the possible aims of the Twitter brand?

While Stewart's Twitter page is a sight to behold, I am extremely concerned that she may have happened upon some very inside information when she commented on the future of Facebook and Twitter.

She told the Beast: "They're all going to be owned by the same company eventually."

But which company, Martha? Which company?