Good news today for men finding themselves unfortunately
circumstanced in terms of feminine companionship: and also for
heterosexual members of the Brigade of Guards. Trick-cyclists have
discovered that women - indeed, all "female primates" - are more
strongly attracted to men wearing the colour red.
“Red is typically thought of as a sexy color for women only,” says Andrew Elliot, PhD, of the Universities of Rochester and Munich. “Our findings suggest that the link between red and sex also applies to men.”
“Red is typically thought of as a sexy color for women only,” says Andrew Elliot, PhD, of the Universities of Rochester and Munich. “Our findings suggest that the link between red and sex also applies to men.”
Elliot and his colleagues carried out studies in which ladies were
shown pictures of men in different coloured shirts. Men in red were
perceived by the women as significantly more attractive, and they
expressed themselves much more likely to have sex with the scarlet-clad
chaps. The same effect was seen even where a red border was added to
black-and-white photos - it seems that the colour red simply has a
devastatingly lubricious effect on the female mind.
According to Elliot and his fellow psychs, it would however be unwise
to wear that babe-magnet red chemise or power tie when hanging about
near any 300-lb female mountain gorillas or similar. A statement issued
by the American Psychological Association (APA) yesterday regarding the
new research has this to say:The power of red holds throughout the primate world. Female primates (including women) are “extremely adept at detecting and decoding blood flow changes in the face,” the authors wrote, “and women have been shown to be more sensitive to the perception of red stimuli than are men.”