Oprah Winfrey To Appear Live on Facebook

*Add Oprah Winfrey event to a busy Sept. 8.
Before the NFL season kicks off and President Obama addresses a joint session of congress on Thursday, the TV titan will appear in a one-hour Facebook Live streaming video interview at 4:30 P.M. Eastern Time, 1:30 P.M. Pacific.
To see the live webcast, go to Facebook Live on Sept. 8 and Oprah will answer questions shared by visitors to the Facebook Live event wall, according to Mashable. Fans are invited to share their questions now, with the promise that “you might hear Oprah answer your question during the live show.”
Oprah is no stranger to Facebook. Her official Oprah Winfrey page is liked by more than 6.2 million fans. She’s also hip to the iPad-based magazine app Flipboard, where there is an official “Oprah” section.
Oprah has a burgeoning Twitter account as well, where she has 7.2 million followers. That number is dwarfed by the throngs of devotees the woman enjoys elsewhere. For instance, soon after she joined Twitter and featured it on her TV show in 2009, Twitter traffic was boosted by an astonishing 24% compared to day before the segment aired.