Janet Jackson Blackglama Fur Controversy

Janet Jackson Blackglama furThe Janet Jackson fur controversy is unfolding with a ferocious roar. Pam Anderson slams Janet Jackson while PETA says she is desperate for modeling in Blackglama fur ads. It is a sign of our trying times that even celebrity dimwits are feuding during the Obama recession.

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This is a Right Pundits open talk thread where you can discuss anything you want today. I am choosing to discuss Janet Jackson, Blackglama furs, and why exactly Canada hates Pam Anderson. Just because I am hungry for some juicy steak, I liked Baywatch, I tolerate Canada, and I think that I look totally hip in animal skins.

Just what is Blackglama you ask? That is a black (cool people say “ebony”) fashion company which has a history of using celebrities in their ads. The likes of Diana Ross, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Lena Horne, Lauren Bacall, and now Janet Jackson Blackglama campaigns have been seen through the decades.
They were never controversial until PETA and that brainiac Pam Anderson got into the mix. Janet Jackson is desperate according to PETA for a simple modeling gig for a useful warm product, something we could all use during the current global cooling cycle. Read about those spoilers here, to wit:
“It’s amazing what celebrities will do when their careers are on a downslide, but we didn’t think that Janet was this desperate.”
So then an even further downsliding celebrity, Pam Anderson slams Janet Jackson on PETA’s behalf. Read about the loud mouth here.
“It’s disappointing. She has spoken out against fur before. I don’t know why some people stop listening to their heart. I guess some people get greedy, but it’s sad.”
Speaking of Pam Anderson and PETA, Canada banned her last PETA ad for being sexist. No wonder we pay no attention to Canada. They seem to preoccupy themselves with the most trivial matters every day while our heroic president fixes the economy and golfs on alternating days. You can see the controversial Pam Anderson ad here, banned forever in that country north of us.
But back to the main point. The Janet Jackson Blackglama ad photo-shoot video is below. Tell us what you think of the manufactured “controversy” in the comments and what the world should be talking about instead today. My view is that an endorsement by Elizabeth Taylor, Lena Horne, Lauren Bacall (hello girl!), Diana Ross, and Audrey Hepburn (yo!) takes all comers. In court we would call it legal precedent.
But PETA and their proxy Pam Anderson slam Janet Jackson for being desperate, thus creating an epic fur controversy which almost nobody actually cares about. Dear loyal readers, this blog post is now in your hands. Comment and then move on to the economy, stupid.